RESUMEN: Se analizó la variabilidad temporal de la composición y abundancia de larvas de peces de la laguna de Chacopatay zonas adyacentes; realizándose muestreos mensuales desde febrero-2009 hasta enero-2010. Se establecieron 6 estaciones (2externas, 1 en la boca y 3 dentro de la laguna). Las estaciones de afuera y en la boca se muestrearon con una red para plancton,y las ubicadas dentro de la laguna, con trampas de luz. Se capturaron 9.066 larvas de peces con ambos métodos, pertenecientesa 23 familias, 35 géneros y 28 especies. Con las redes se colectaron 1.120 larvas, y se identificaron 19 especies, 24 géneros y18 familias. Con este arte, las mayores densidades de organismos se encontraron durante febrero y junio-2009 con 750 Org/1000m3 y 498 Org/1000m3, respectivamente. Las especies dominantes fueron: Anchoa hepsetus, Gobiosoma sp., Harengulajaguana, Anchoa sp., Anchovia clupeoides y Eucinostomus argenteus. Por otro lado, con las trampas de luz se capturaron7.946 larvas, 20 especies, 25 géneros, en 16 familias. Con este arte, sólo se extrajeron postlarvas y juveniles, las mayoresabundancias se presentaron durante febrero y diciembre 121 y 44 CPUE Ind/8h, respectivamente. Los menores picos deabundancia se presentaron durante julio con 5 CPUE ind/8h; siendo las especies que presentaron el mayor número deindividuos: Anchoa hepsetus, Strongylura marina, Anchovia clupeoides y Saurida brasiliensis. La coincidencia de mayoresabundancias de ictioplancton durante los meses de surgencia, es un reflejo de la alta productividad secundaria presente en lazona.
Palabras clave: Laguna costera, abundancia, larvas de peces, Chacopata, trampas de luz
ABSTRACT: Temporal variability of fish larvae composition and abundance from Chacopata lagoon and adjacent areaswas analyzed; performing monthly samples from February 2009 until January 2010. Six (6) stations (2 external, 1 at theentrance and 3 into the lagoon) were established. Outer stations and the one at the entrance were sampled with a plankton net,while those located within the lagoon were sampled with light traps. A total of 9,066 fish larvae were captured with bothmethods, belonging to 23 families, 35 genera and 28 species. Regarding to net samplings, 1120 larvae were collected and 19species, 24 genera and 18 families were identified. With this sample gear, the highest densities of organisms were found inFebruary and June 2009 with 750 Org / 1000m3 and 498 Org / 1000m3, respectively. The dominant species were: Anchoahepsetus, Gobiosoma sp., Harengula jaguana, Anchoa sp., Anchovia clupeoides and Eucinostomus argenteus. On the otherhand, the highest density with light traps was 7,946 larvae, finding also 20 species, 25 genera and 16 families.With this art,only postlarvae and juveniles were extracted, showing the highest abundances during February and December (121 and 44CPUE Ind/8h, respectively). The lower peak abundance occurred during July (5 CPUE ind/8h) while the species with thehighest number of individuals were: Anchoa hepsetus, Strongylura marina, Anchovia clupeoides and Saurida brasiliensis. Thecoincidence of highest abundance of ichthyoplankton during the months of upwelling, is a reflection of the high secondaryproductivity present in the area.
Key words: coastal lagoon, abundance, larvae of fish, Chacopata, light traps
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