Evaluación física y química de los rizomas de guapo (Maranta arundinacea) y de galletas dulces preparadas con su harina Physical and chemical evaluation of guapo (Maranta arundinacea) rhizomes and sweet cookies made with its flour
El uso de harinas provenientes de fuentes no convencionales contribuye a mantener y dar valor agregado a cultivos poco conocidos en la actualidad. Se estudiaron el peso, longitud, grosor, porción comestible y rendimiento en harina de rizomas de guapo (Maranta arundinacea); con la harina se prepararon galletas dulces: 100% harina de guapo (GHG), 100% harina de trigo (GHT) y una mezcla 50:50 de harina de trigo:harina de guapo (GHTG). Se determinó composición proximal y color a las harinas y galletas; adicionalmente, a las galletas se les evaluó el factor de esparcimiento y el nivel de aceptación sensorial. Los rizomas tuvieron un peso, longitud y grosor promedios de 116,28 ± 56,32 g, 10,83 ± 2,18 cm y 4,50 ± 0,79 cm, respectivamente; el rendimiento en porción comestible y en harina fue de 92,79 ± 4,40% y 47,08%, respectivamente. Comparada con la harina de trigo, la de guapo presentó menor contenido de proteínas y grasa y mayor contenido de ceniza (p < 0,05); la diferencia de color entre ellas fue de 2,56. Las galletas con harina de guapo (GHTG y GHG), comparadas con la GHT, presentaron menor contenido de proteínas (p < 0,05), mayor contenido de ceniza (p < 0,05) y similar factor de esparcimiento (p > 0,05); la diferencia de color fue de 3,04 (GHG) y 0,95 (GHTG). La aceptabilidad de las galletas dulces fue similar (p > 0,05) para los atributos de color, olor, textura y sabor. Se demuestra con este estudio que la harina de guapo puede sustituir a la harina de trigo para la elaboración de galletas dulces de buena aceptación por parte de los consumidores.
Palabras clave: Galletas dulces, guapo, harinas compuestas, Maranta arundinacea.
The use of flour from unconventional sources contributes to maintaining and adding value to crops currently little known. Weight, length, thickness, edible portion, flour yield from guapo (Maranta arundinacea) rhizomes were studied; sweet cookies were prepared with its flour: 100% guapo flour (GHG), 100% wheat flour (GHT) and a 50:50 mixture of wheat flour and guapo flour (GHTG). Proximate composition and color of flours and cookies were determined; in addition, spreading factor and level of sensory acceptance were determined on the cookies. Rhizomes had a weight, length and thickness averages of 116.28 ± 56.32 g, 10,83 ± 2.18 cm and 4.50 ± 0.79 cm, respectively; the yield in edible portion and flour was 92.79 ± 4.40% and 47.08%, respectively. Compared to wheat flour, the guapo had lower protein and fat content and higher ash content (p < 0.05); color difference among them was 2.56. Cookies with guapo flour (GHTG and GHG), compared to GHT, had lower protein content (p < 0.05), higher ash content (p < 0.05) and similar spreading factor (p > 0.05); color difference was 3.04 (GHG) and 0.95 (GHTG) regarding the GHT. The acceptability of the sweet cookies was similar (p > 0.05) in color, odor, texture and flavor attributes. This study shows that guapo flour can replace wheat flour for making sweet cookies well accepted by consumers.
Key words: Sweet cookies, guapo, composite flours, Maranta arundinacea.
Palabras clave: Galletas dulces, guapo, harinas compuestas, Maranta arundinacea.
The use of flour from unconventional sources contributes to maintaining and adding value to crops currently little known. Weight, length, thickness, edible portion, flour yield from guapo (Maranta arundinacea) rhizomes were studied; sweet cookies were prepared with its flour: 100% guapo flour (GHG), 100% wheat flour (GHT) and a 50:50 mixture of wheat flour and guapo flour (GHTG). Proximate composition and color of flours and cookies were determined; in addition, spreading factor and level of sensory acceptance were determined on the cookies. Rhizomes had a weight, length and thickness averages of 116.28 ± 56.32 g, 10,83 ± 2.18 cm and 4.50 ± 0.79 cm, respectively; the yield in edible portion and flour was 92.79 ± 4.40% and 47.08%, respectively. Compared to wheat flour, the guapo had lower protein and fat content and higher ash content (p < 0.05); color difference among them was 2.56. Cookies with guapo flour (GHTG and GHG), compared to GHT, had lower protein content (p < 0.05), higher ash content (p < 0.05) and similar spreading factor (p > 0.05); color difference was 3.04 (GHG) and 0.95 (GHTG) regarding the GHT. The acceptability of the sweet cookies was similar (p > 0.05) in color, odor, texture and flavor attributes. This study shows that guapo flour can replace wheat flour for making sweet cookies well accepted by consumers.
Key words: Sweet cookies, guapo, composite flours, Maranta arundinacea.
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