Síndrome de bouveret en un paciente de alto riesgo. Diagnóstico y tratamiento | Bouveret syndrome in a high risk patient. Diagnosis and treatment
El íleo biliar es una causa poco frecuente de obstrucción intestinal. Puede manifestarse de formas variadas según el sitio de obstrucción y las características del paciente. Cuando la obstrucción se localiza a nivel duodenal, bloqueando el paso del contenido gástrico, se trata de una entidad denominada síndrome de Bouveret. Este trabajo presenta el caso de una paciente de 93 años de edad, con alto riesgo quirúrgico y clínica compatible con obstrucción intestinal a nivel duodenal, diagnosticada y tratada con éxito como un síndrome de Bouveret. Además se presenta una revisión de este síndrome, tanto en su génesis como en su resolución, indicando también diferentes métodos para arribar a su diagnóstico y los abordajes quirúrgicos posibles.
Palabras clave: Oclusión intestinal, íleo biliar.
Gallstone ileus is an uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction. It can manifest itself in various shapes according to the site of obstruction and patient characteristics. When the obstruction is located at the duodenum, blocking the passage of gastric contents, it is an entity called Bouveret syndrome. This work presents the case of a 93-year-old woman, with high-risk surgical and clinical support at duodenal bowel obstruction that was diagnosed and successfully treated as a Bouveret syndrome. Furthermore, a review of the syndrome is shown, both in its genesis and in its resolution, also evaluating different methods to give a diagnosis and possible surgical approaches.
Key words: Intestinal occlusion, gallstone ileus.
Palabras clave: Oclusión intestinal, íleo biliar.
Gallstone ileus is an uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction. It can manifest itself in various shapes according to the site of obstruction and patient characteristics. When the obstruction is located at the duodenum, blocking the passage of gastric contents, it is an entity called Bouveret syndrome. This work presents the case of a 93-year-old woman, with high-risk surgical and clinical support at duodenal bowel obstruction that was diagnosed and successfully treated as a Bouveret syndrome. Furthermore, a review of the syndrome is shown, both in its genesis and in its resolution, also evaluating different methods to give a diagnosis and possible surgical approaches.
Key words: Intestinal occlusion, gallstone ileus.
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