Comparación del contaje plaquetario empleando diferentes metodologías, en pacientes con púrpura trombocitopénica y síndromes mielodisplásicos | Comparisonplatelet count, singdifferentmethodologies,in patients withthrombocytopenic purpuraand myelodysplastic syndromes
Se valoró el contaje plaquetario de tres grupos de pacientes, de acuerdo al método manual de Brecher y Cronkite y al método automatizado, usando analizadores hematológicos con diferentes principios: Swelab ALFA (impedancia), Cell-dyn 3200 (citometría de flujo) y Beckman Coulter LH 500 (impedancia volumétrica, radiofrecuencia y dispersión de la luz láser). Los pacientes con púrpura trombocitopénica (PT) y síndromes mielodisplásicos (SMD), provionieron de la consulta de hematología del Hospital Universitario “Antonio Patricio de Alcalá” (HUAPA) de la ciudad de Cumaná, Venezuela. Para tal fin, se tomaron muestras de sangre a pacientes de ambos géneros, con edades comprendidas entre 15 y 50 años, ya diagnosticados con dichas enfermedades. Asimismo, se tomaron 20 individuos procedentes de la consulta antes mencionada, sin alteración del número de plaquetas como grupo control. Los resultados obtenidos fueron sometidos a un análisis de varianza y correlación con un intervalo de confianza de 95%, arrojando diferencias significativas en los pacientes con PT y SMD, tanto por el método manual como por los distintos automatizados (p < 0,05) y correlación positiva; en cambio, en el grupo control no se obtuvieron diferencias significativas (p > 0,05). Tomando en cuenta los resultados obtenidos, se puede considerar como válidos los recuentos realizados por los diversos métodos, tanto para pacientes con un contaje de plaquetas dentro del intervalo de referencia, como por debajo del mismo..
Palabras clave: Púrpura trombocitopénica, síndromes mielodisplásicos, contaje de plaquetas.
Platelet count was assessed in three groups of patients, according to the manual method of Brecher and Cronkite and the automated hematology analyzers using different principles: Swelab ALFA (impedance), Cell-dyn 3200 (flow cytometry) and Beckman Coulter LH 500 (volumetric impedance, radio frequency and laser light scattering). The patients with thrombocytopenic purpura (PT) and myelodisplastic syndromes (MDS), came from the hematology consultation at University Hospital “Antonio Patricio de Alcalá”, Cumana. For that purpose, blood samples were taken from patients of both sexes, aged between15 and 50 years, and diagnosed with these diseases. In addition, 20 individuals were taken from the consultation above, without alterations in the number of platelets, as control group. The results were subjected to analysis of variance and correlation at 95% confidence, throwing significant differences in patients with PT and SMD, both from the manual method and by the various automated procedures (p <0.05) and a positive correlation; whereas in the control group no significant differences were obtained (p > 0.05). Taking into account the results obtained, it can be considered as valid the counts made by the various methods under study, both, for patients with a number of platelet within refence values, as well as below it.
Key words: Thrombocytopenic purpura,myelodysplasticsyndromes, platelet count.
Palabras clave: Púrpura trombocitopénica, síndromes mielodisplásicos, contaje de plaquetas.
Platelet count was assessed in three groups of patients, according to the manual method of Brecher and Cronkite and the automated hematology analyzers using different principles: Swelab ALFA (impedance), Cell-dyn 3200 (flow cytometry) and Beckman Coulter LH 500 (volumetric impedance, radio frequency and laser light scattering). The patients with thrombocytopenic purpura (PT) and myelodisplastic syndromes (MDS), came from the hematology consultation at University Hospital “Antonio Patricio de Alcalá”, Cumana. For that purpose, blood samples were taken from patients of both sexes, aged between15 and 50 years, and diagnosed with these diseases. In addition, 20 individuals were taken from the consultation above, without alterations in the number of platelets, as control group. The results were subjected to analysis of variance and correlation at 95% confidence, throwing significant differences in patients with PT and SMD, both from the manual method and by the various automated procedures (p <0.05) and a positive correlation; whereas in the control group no significant differences were obtained (p > 0.05). Taking into account the results obtained, it can be considered as valid the counts made by the various methods under study, both, for patients with a number of platelet within refence values, as well as below it.
Key words: Thrombocytopenic purpura,myelodysplasticsyndromes, platelet count.
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