Repensando el quehacer pedagógico desde la tecno-cultura | Rethinking the pedagogic task from the techno-culture
El efecto envolvente de la digitalización en la contemporaneidad y así mismo el creciente opacamiento de lo humano interpelan y desnudan una vez más al quehacer pedagógico con todos sus dispositivos de la escuela racional, reproductora y dominante, a fin de provocar que se reconozca la vinculación entre la constitución del sujeto y la tecno-cultura como experiencia determinante de las realidades actuales en los espacios escolares. En el proceso interpretativo de referentes teóricos (Larrosa, García Canclini, Martín-Barbero, Rueda Ortiz, entre otros); surgieron diversas categorías (tecnología, cultura, sujeto, subjetividad y pedagogía) que fundamentan el devenir de la investigación, la cual se desarrolló bajo un enfoque hermenéutico-crítico. La intención de este artículo, fue reflexionar sobre la emergencia de la tecno-cultura en el ámbito educativo y los efectos que esta promueve en los terrenos de la transformación de la vida individual-colectiva, especialmente, en los modos de vida del joven contemporáneo. Se intenta comprender ese ‘otro’ que se transforma, construye, desconstruye, experimenta como otro que ya no es posible determinar, ni en su naturaleza, ni en sus experiencias. La investigación concluye planteando la necesidad imperiosa de otras aproximaciones pedagógicas que se piensen desde la alteridad, participación, equidad, emancipación y reconocimiento del sujeto nativo digital, que ha sido moldeado por todo tipo de artefactos tecnológicos proporcionados para el entretenimiento.
Palabras clave: Pedagogía, tecno-cultura, sujeto, nativo digital.
The enveloping effect of digitalization in contemporary times as well as the increasingly darkening of human side undress and expose one more time the pedagogical task with all its devices from the rational, replicating and dominating school, in order to induce the recognition of the relationship between the making up of the subject and techno culture as decisive experience of current realities in the school. In the interpretative process of theoretical referents (Larrosa, Garcia Canclini, Martin-Barbero, Rueda Ortiz, among others); different categories were arisen (technology, culture, subject, subjectivity and pedagogy) which are the basis of the investigation, which was developed under a hermeneutical-critical approach. The purpose of this paper is to think over the emergence of techno-culture in the educational field and the effects that it promotes on the fields of transformation of individual-collective life, especially on the ways of contemporary life of young people. An effort is made to understand that “other” which is transformed, constructed, deconstructed and experienced as other that it is no longer possible to determine neither in nature nor in experience. The research is concluded by presenting the urgent need of other pedagogical approaches which are thought from otherness, participation, equity, emancipation and recognition of the digital-native subject that has been molded by all kinds of technological devices provided for entertainment.
Key words: Pedagogy, techo-culture, subject, digital-native.
Palabras clave: Pedagogía, tecno-cultura, sujeto, nativo digital.
The enveloping effect of digitalization in contemporary times as well as the increasingly darkening of human side undress and expose one more time the pedagogical task with all its devices from the rational, replicating and dominating school, in order to induce the recognition of the relationship between the making up of the subject and techno culture as decisive experience of current realities in the school. In the interpretative process of theoretical referents (Larrosa, Garcia Canclini, Martin-Barbero, Rueda Ortiz, among others); different categories were arisen (technology, culture, subject, subjectivity and pedagogy) which are the basis of the investigation, which was developed under a hermeneutical-critical approach. The purpose of this paper is to think over the emergence of techno-culture in the educational field and the effects that it promotes on the fields of transformation of individual-collective life, especially on the ways of contemporary life of young people. An effort is made to understand that “other” which is transformed, constructed, deconstructed and experienced as other that it is no longer possible to determine neither in nature nor in experience. The research is concluded by presenting the urgent need of other pedagogical approaches which are thought from otherness, participation, equity, emancipation and recognition of the digital-native subject that has been molded by all kinds of technological devices provided for entertainment.
Key words: Pedagogy, techo-culture, subject, digital-native.
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