Eunicida (Annelida: Polychaeta) de fondos blandos del golfo de Venezuela | Eunicida (Annelida: Polychaeta) from soft-bottoms from gulf of Venezuela
Se examinaron 436 poliquetos obtenidos en fondos blandos del Golfo de Venezuela. Las muestras fueron tomadas en 90 estaciones, entre los años 2008 y 2012. Se identificaron 13 especies pertenecientes a cuatro familias de Eunicida: Eunicidae (6 spp.), Onuphidae (5 spp.), Lumbrineridae (1 sp.) y Oenonidae (1 sp.); siete de ellas constituyen nuevos registros para Venezuela. Estos resultados incrementan el conocimiento sobre la biodiversidad marina en la plataforma continental venezolana, y en el Mar Caribe sur.
Palabras clave: Anélidos, bentos, biodiversidad, Mar Caribe.
Four hundred-thirty six polychaetes collected in soft bottoms from the Gulf of Venezuela were examined. Samples were taken from ninety stations, between 2008 and 2012. Thirhteen species were identified, belonging to four families from Eunicida: Eunicidae (6 spp.), Onuphidae (5 spp.), Lumbrineridae (1 sp.) and Oenonidae (1 sp.). Seven of these species are new records for Venezuela. These results increase the knowledge about marine biodiversity from the continental shelf in Venezuela and the southern Caribbean Sea.
Key words: Annelids, benthos, biodiversity, Caribbean Sea.
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