Comportamiento agronómico de siete cultivares de pimentón (Capsicum annuum L.) | Agronomic behavior of seven pepper (Capsicum annuum L) cultivars
Monagas, con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento agronómico de siete cultivares de pimentón. El diseño estadístico utilizado fue bloques completos al azar con siete tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones por tratamiento. Los cultivares presentaron diferencia en el inicio de la floración de al menos tres y ocho días. Los cultivares que tardaron más días a floración fueron “Enterprise” (35,0 día) y “Master 714” (34,8 día). Los mejores cultivares para el rendimiento de frutos por hectárea fueron “Esmeralo” (12,5 t*ha-1) y “Prima Donna” (12,352 t*ha-1). El cv. “Master 714” produjo los frutos más largos (11,47 cm). El cultivar “Esmeralo” produjo los frutos más anchos (7,14 cm). Los frutos más pesados lo produjeron “Esmeralo” (136,32 g), “Camelot” (128,10 g) y “Prima Donna” (120,40 g) sin diferencias estadísticas entre ellos. El mayor número de frutos por planta lo obtuvo el cultivar “Master 714” (8,0). Los mejores cultivares para el peso de frutos por planta fueron “Esmeralo” (500g) y “Prima donna” (494g). El mayor número de frutos por kilogramo lo obtuvieron los cultivares y “Enterprise” (23,1) y “Master 714” (22,9). “Master 714” obtuvo el menor número lóculo*fruto-1 (2,92). No hubo diferencias estadísticas en el número de días a la primera cosecha entre los cultivares evaluados. El promedio general fue de 75,4 días. Los frutos de “Prima donna”, “Esmeralo” y “Karma I” son de forma redonda, mientras que “Camelot”, “Enterprise” y “Cacique” tienen frutos cuadrados y “Master 714” frutos de forma alargada.
Palabras clave: Cultivares, pimentón, rendimiento.
The study was carried out at Horticultural Experimental Station "San Agustín" University of Orient, Caripe, State, Monagas, with the objective of evaluating the agronomic performance of seven Capsicum annuum cultivars. A randomized block design with seven treatments and four replications per treatment was used. Cultivars presented differences at
blooming initiation from three to eight days. The most latest cultivars were "Enterprise" (35.0 days) and "Master 714" (34.8 days). "Esmeralo" (12.5 t*ha-1) and "Prima Donna" (12.4 t*ha-1) were the highest yielding cultivars. The cv. "Master 714" produced the longest fruits (11.47 cm) and "Esmeralo" the wider ones (7.14 cm). The heavier fruits were produced by "Esmeralo" (136.3 g), "Camelot" (128.1 g) and "Prima Donna" (120.4 g) with no statistical differences among them. The
largest number of fruits per plant was obtained by "Master 714" (8.0). The best cultivars for fruit weight per plant were "Esmeralo" (500 g) and "Prima donna" (494 g). The largest number of fruits per kilogram was obtained by "Enterprise" (23.1) and "Master 714" (22.9). "Master 714" had the lowest number of locule*fruit-1 (2.92). There was no statistical
difference for number days to first harvest among cultivars. The overall average was 75.4 days. Fruits of "Prima donna", "Esmeralo" and "Karma I" are rounded, while "Camelot", "Enterprise" and "Cacique" have square fruits and "Master 714" fruits of elongated shape.
Key words: Cultivars, pepper, yield
Palabras clave: Cultivares, pimentón, rendimiento.
The study was carried out at Horticultural Experimental Station "San Agustín" University of Orient, Caripe, State, Monagas, with the objective of evaluating the agronomic performance of seven Capsicum annuum cultivars. A randomized block design with seven treatments and four replications per treatment was used. Cultivars presented differences at
blooming initiation from three to eight days. The most latest cultivars were "Enterprise" (35.0 days) and "Master 714" (34.8 days). "Esmeralo" (12.5 t*ha-1) and "Prima Donna" (12.4 t*ha-1) were the highest yielding cultivars. The cv. "Master 714" produced the longest fruits (11.47 cm) and "Esmeralo" the wider ones (7.14 cm). The heavier fruits were produced by "Esmeralo" (136.3 g), "Camelot" (128.1 g) and "Prima Donna" (120.4 g) with no statistical differences among them. The
largest number of fruits per plant was obtained by "Master 714" (8.0). The best cultivars for fruit weight per plant were "Esmeralo" (500 g) and "Prima donna" (494 g). The largest number of fruits per kilogram was obtained by "Enterprise" (23.1) and "Master 714" (22.9). "Master 714" had the lowest number of locule*fruit-1 (2.92). There was no statistical
difference for number days to first harvest among cultivars. The overall average was 75.4 days. Fruits of "Prima donna", "Esmeralo" and "Karma I" are rounded, while "Camelot", "Enterprise" and "Cacique" have square fruits and "Master 714" fruits of elongated shape.
Key words: Cultivars, pepper, yield
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