Efecto de la calidad de luz sobre el crecimiento del corocillo (Cyperus rotundus L.) | Effect of light quality on growth of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.)
El corocillo, Cyperus rotundus L., es una maleza de amplia distribución geográfica y difícil control. El efecto de la calidad de la luz sobre su crecimiento fue determinado para mejorar su control. Bulbos germinados sobre bandejas en laboratorio bajo oscuridad y luz a los 15 días, con tres hojas y 1-7 g, se llevaron al invernadero. Se usó un diseño completamente aleatorizado. En invernadero con suelos arenoarcillosos, tres repeticiones y tres tratamientos. Todos tuvieron una capa de
malla de invernadero blanca, dos capas de papel celofán blanco (MB), una verde (MV) y otra rojo (MR). La temperatura media fue 28ºC (20-35ºC), la humedad relativa media 60% (20-100%) y la radiación solar 250 a 300 g.cal.cm-2 día-1. Se realizaron cinco muestreos cada siete días de las partes aéreas y subterráneas de las plantas. Después de 28 días, la floración ocurrió en el tratamiento MB y se observó menor número de hojas y masa seca en las partes aéreas y subterráneas en los
tratamientos MR y MV. A los 73 días, el número de hojas y área foliar fueron menores en tratamiento MB, mientras que en los otros tratamientos no se observaron inflorescencias ni formación de semillas fértiles pero se estimuló formación de mayor número cormos y hojas, siendo mayor a MR. Se concluye que la calidad de luz es importante en la reproducción y propagación del corocillo, por lo que la aplicación de sombra de color rojo o verde en combinación con herbicida o control
biológico surge como alternativa para el control de esta especie.
Palabras clave: corocillo, calidad, luz, cormos, hojas
The purple nutsedge, Cyperus rotundus L., is a widely spread weed and of difficult control. The effect of light quality on its growth was determined to improve its control. Bulbs were germinated under darkness in the laboratory and light at 15 days, with three leaves and 1-7 g, they were carried to the greenhouse. A completely randomized design was used. In greenhouse with sandy clay soils, three replications and three treatments. All treatments had a layer of white greenhouse mesh, two layers of white cellophane (MB), one green (MV) and one red (MR). Average temperature was 28ºC (20-35ºC), average relative humidity 60% (20-100%) and solar radiation 250 to 300 g. cal. cm-2 day-1. Five samplings were made each seven days from the aerial and underground sections of the plants. After 28 days of growth, blooming took place in the treatment
MB and a smaller number of leaves and dry weight of the aerial and underground parts were observed in the treatments MV and MR. After 73 days, the number of leaves and foliar area were smaller in treatment MB, while in the other treatments neither inflorescences nor fertile seeds were observed but formation of a larger number of corms and leaves were
stimulated, MR being greater. It is concluded that light quality is important in the reproduction and propagations of the purple nutsedge, hence the application of green or red shade in combination with an herbicide or biological control becomes an alternative for control of this species.
Key words: purple nutsedge, quality light, corms, leaves.
malla de invernadero blanca, dos capas de papel celofán blanco (MB), una verde (MV) y otra rojo (MR). La temperatura media fue 28ºC (20-35ºC), la humedad relativa media 60% (20-100%) y la radiación solar 250 a 300 g.cal.cm-2 día-1. Se realizaron cinco muestreos cada siete días de las partes aéreas y subterráneas de las plantas. Después de 28 días, la floración ocurrió en el tratamiento MB y se observó menor número de hojas y masa seca en las partes aéreas y subterráneas en los
tratamientos MR y MV. A los 73 días, el número de hojas y área foliar fueron menores en tratamiento MB, mientras que en los otros tratamientos no se observaron inflorescencias ni formación de semillas fértiles pero se estimuló formación de mayor número cormos y hojas, siendo mayor a MR. Se concluye que la calidad de luz es importante en la reproducción y propagación del corocillo, por lo que la aplicación de sombra de color rojo o verde en combinación con herbicida o control
biológico surge como alternativa para el control de esta especie.
Palabras clave: corocillo, calidad, luz, cormos, hojas
The purple nutsedge, Cyperus rotundus L., is a widely spread weed and of difficult control. The effect of light quality on its growth was determined to improve its control. Bulbs were germinated under darkness in the laboratory and light at 15 days, with three leaves and 1-7 g, they were carried to the greenhouse. A completely randomized design was used. In greenhouse with sandy clay soils, three replications and three treatments. All treatments had a layer of white greenhouse mesh, two layers of white cellophane (MB), one green (MV) and one red (MR). Average temperature was 28ºC (20-35ºC), average relative humidity 60% (20-100%) and solar radiation 250 to 300 g. cal. cm-2 day-1. Five samplings were made each seven days from the aerial and underground sections of the plants. After 28 days of growth, blooming took place in the treatment
MB and a smaller number of leaves and dry weight of the aerial and underground parts were observed in the treatments MV and MR. After 73 days, the number of leaves and foliar area were smaller in treatment MB, while in the other treatments neither inflorescences nor fertile seeds were observed but formation of a larger number of corms and leaves were
stimulated, MR being greater. It is concluded that light quality is important in the reproduction and propagations of the purple nutsedge, hence the application of green or red shade in combination with an herbicide or biological control becomes an alternative for control of this species.
Key words: purple nutsedge, quality light, corms, leaves.
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