Respuesta de tres cultivares de berenjena (Solanum melogena L.) a diferentes combinaciones de fertilizante orgánico y fertilizante químico | Response of three eggplant (Solanum melogena L) cultivars to different organic fertilizer combinations and chemical fertilizer
El experimento se realizó en un suelo franco arenoso, pH 5,1 y M.O: 1,03% en la localidad la Hormiga, estado Monagas para evaluar el efecto de las combinaciones de humus y el fertilizante químico: 14-14-14/3 en las proporciones, 100-0, 75- 25, 50-50, 25-75 y 0-100 respectivamente, en los cultivares Barbentane, Long Purple y Florida Wonder sobre el rendimiento de frutos. Se utilizó el diseño estadístico de bloques completo al azar en arreglo factorial (5x3) con 15 tratamientos y tres repeticiones. Las parcelas fueron tres surcos de seis metros de longitud separados a 1,00 m y la distancia entre plantas 0,40 m. El transplante se efectúo a los 45 días. Las combinaciones se aplicaron seis días después del transplante. Se realizaron diez cosechas, iniciándose 45 días después del transplante. Las diferencias entre las medias se determino a través de la prueba de rangos múltiples de Duncan (α = 0,05). Se concluye que el cv. Florida Wonder produjo el mayor rendimiento (62,62 t ha-1) y los frutos más anchos (11,22 cm). El cv. Barbentane presenta el mayor número de frutos por planta (12,56) en la dosis de 100% H + 0% Q. El cv. Long Purple produjo los frutos más largos en las dosis 0% H + 100% Q (23,36 cm) y 25% H + 75% Q (23,17 cm). Las dosis 100% H + 0% Q (64,89 t ha-1) y 75% H + 25% Q (61,40 t ha-1) produjeron los mejores rendimientos, número de frutos por plantas y ancho del fruto sin diferencias entre ellas. Para suelos, condiciones climáticas y cultivares como los del estudio, se sugiere aplicar e incorporar al suelo la combinación 100% H + 0% Q o 75% H + 25% Q, seis después del transplante y sin fertilización complementaria.
Palabras clave: Berenjena, cultivares, fertilización química, fertilización orgánica, producción.
The experiment one carries out in sandy loam soil, pH 5.1 and M.O: 1.03% in the town the Hormiga, Monagas state to evaluate the effect of the combinations of humus and chemical fertilizer: 14-14-14/3 at the proportions, 100-0, 75-25, 50-50, 25-75 and 0-100, respectively, in the cultivars Barbentane, Long Purple and Florida Wonder on the fruit yields. A (3x5) factorial experiment with 15 treatments in randomized complete block design was used with three replications. Plots were three furrows of six meters long separated to 1.00 m ad in-row distance of 0.40. The plant transplant was made 45 days after flowering. The combinations were applied six days after transplant. Ten harvests were carried out, beginning 45 days after transplant. The differences among means were determined using Duncan’s multiple range test (α = 0.05). It was conclude
that cv. Florida Wonder produced the greater yield (62.62 t ha-1) and the width fruits (11.22 cm). El cv. Barbentane presents the greater number of fruits by plant (12.56) in the dose 100 H% + % Q. The cv. Long Purple produced the long fruits (23.36 cm) at combination 0% H + 100% Q. The combinations 100% H + 0% Q (64.89 t ha-1) and 75% H + 25% Q (61.40 t ha-1) produced the best yields, number of fruits by plants and width of the fruit without differences among them, for the climate and soil conditions of the study. We suggest apply and incorporate into soil the combination 100% H + 0% Q or 75% H + 25% Q, six days after the transplant and without complementary fertilization.
Key words: Eggplant, cultivars, chemical fertilization, organic fertilization, production.
Palabras clave: Berenjena, cultivares, fertilización química, fertilización orgánica, producción.
The experiment one carries out in sandy loam soil, pH 5.1 and M.O: 1.03% in the town the Hormiga, Monagas state to evaluate the effect of the combinations of humus and chemical fertilizer: 14-14-14/3 at the proportions, 100-0, 75-25, 50-50, 25-75 and 0-100, respectively, in the cultivars Barbentane, Long Purple and Florida Wonder on the fruit yields. A (3x5) factorial experiment with 15 treatments in randomized complete block design was used with three replications. Plots were three furrows of six meters long separated to 1.00 m ad in-row distance of 0.40. The plant transplant was made 45 days after flowering. The combinations were applied six days after transplant. Ten harvests were carried out, beginning 45 days after transplant. The differences among means were determined using Duncan’s multiple range test (α = 0.05). It was conclude
that cv. Florida Wonder produced the greater yield (62.62 t ha-1) and the width fruits (11.22 cm). El cv. Barbentane presents the greater number of fruits by plant (12.56) in the dose 100 H% + % Q. The cv. Long Purple produced the long fruits (23.36 cm) at combination 0% H + 100% Q. The combinations 100% H + 0% Q (64.89 t ha-1) and 75% H + 25% Q (61.40 t ha-1) produced the best yields, number of fruits by plants and width of the fruit without differences among them, for the climate and soil conditions of the study. We suggest apply and incorporate into soil the combination 100% H + 0% Q or 75% H + 25% Q, six days after the transplant and without complementary fertilization.
Key words: Eggplant, cultivars, chemical fertilization, organic fertilization, production.
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